Cake is, and always has been, the backbone of our business. Our team of sweet-bakery experts create Muffins that cater to all sweet-tooth moments. Speedibake are one of the UK’s leading suppliers of Thaw & Serve Muffins with a category captain approach that delivers trading partners with a ranging solution to maximise shopper penetration and frequency gains. Our manufacturing capabilities are split across two plants; one that supplies core everyday favourites typically found in recognisable retailers at a high-speed throughput and one that delivers artisanal, injected & hand-finished premium muffins fit for modern day coffee shops.

- Recipes that cover short to long-term shelf life
- 2x manufacturing lines
- Industrial and High speed
- Injected, Iced & hand-decorated with capabilities to Introduce toppers & sprinkles
- Retail 4 pack muffins
- Retail mini muffins
- Patisserie bulk muffins
- Pre-bake topping
- Filling over injection
- Marbled sponge
- Icing application
- Hand placed plaque
- Post-bake sprinkle